品味经典味道 聆听经典声音 古典+现代+唯美浪漫爱情
最点卡的年代最清醒的坚持 最真实的情感
01 似是故人来 The same as if the enemy
02 情义俩心坚 Two strong bonds of friendship with
03 纸船 Paper boats
04 不装饰你的梦 Don’t decorate your dream
05 漫步人生路 Stroll on the road of life
06 偏偏喜欢你 Just like you
07 顺流逆流 Time and Tide
08 眼泪为你流 Tears For You
09 一生何求 Life is cool
10 念亲恩 Read love
11 一水隔天涯 A water separated the End of the World
12 人生何处不相逢 Life where not Meet