01.骑车到拉萨 Ride to Lhasa 05:06
02.唱首情歌给草原 Sing a song for prairie 04:40
03.姑娘动了我的心 Girl touched my heart 05:26
04.美人吟 Beautiful singing 05:08
05.要去遥远的地方 You want to go far away 04:07
06.万树繁花 Million trees and flowers 04:07
07.天边 Remotest places 04:42
08.相思 Lovesickness 04:10
09.彩云之南 The south of colorful 03:50
10.红雪莲 Red snow-lotus 04:19
11.美丽的蒙古包 The beautiful Mongolian 04:27
12.玫瑰天涯 The skyline for Rose 04:51